Desktop and Server Virtualisation Specialist 

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Precedence Technologies Ltd
Technology House, 36a Union Lane
Cambridge, CB4 1QB, United Kingdom
T: +44 (0)1223 359900

Woodland Academy, Bedfordshire

Mrs Alison Gillett, ICT Technician, comments:

"Converting our older PCs to thin-clients has doubled the life of those machines. We have students embedding audio into DreamWeaver pages on PCs with 'Tesco Computers for Schools Scheme 2000' written on them."

"As a standard PC, it would have difficulty running Windows over ten years later, let alone an application like DreamWeaver."

Swavesey Village College in Cambridge

Mark Johnson, Network Manager, comments:

"We went with Precedence Technologies and Citrix XenApp as we had 300 workstations that were all due to be replaced. We just could not afford or justify the cost of refreshing every PC but yet we still wanted all our modern applications to be available on every workstation. The use of Citrix XenApp, with ThinIT from Precedence, allowed us to breathe new life into our aging workstation stock while reducing our overall PC management.

"In addition, the servers installed by Precedence, gave our staff and students access to their school desktop from home. This was at no extra cost to the servers and XenApp licensing. It has made a significant difference to the way students learn at the college.

"We have successful delivered a large scale ICT project at Swavesey Village College and we could not have done this without the partnership of Precedence Technologies. As an ICT Team, we did not possess the additional skills required to deploy such a large scale XenApp installation. The learning curve would be too great and would have signifcantly delayed, or even stopped, the deployment. We consider Precedence Technologies an essential extension of our own ICT Team after asisting us in making a seamless transition with on-going support."

The Manor School, Cambridge

Charlie King, Technician:

"Our initial investment was £10,400, with our annual costs being £120 support from Precedence and around £12 per licence for the Citrix Subscription Advantage, covering all new releases. This means that we save over £40k over a three-year period"

John Maloney, Business Manager:

"It is a good investment. We would have had to employ another technician at £18,000 per annum just to look after these units"

Mr Ben Slade, Principal:

"The most important result of this project is that the teachers are not affected by technical issues as they once were. The fact that teachers can remedy a technical glitch themselves is something we would not have thought possible a year ago"

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